Creating an online presence is one of the most important steps for every organization. The first step to accomplish this is to define two basic concepts: who your target audience is and what message do you want to convey.
Defining your target audience first will make the task of knowing what to say much easier. For a non-profit organization, the audience may be their direct clients, their providers, or their supporters. For a business, the audience may be their customers, their providers, or people who have questions about their products.
Once you decide who your target audience is, then you can filter the information accordingly. For example, if you want to target people who will be using your services, then you can focus on what these services are, how they can access them, and how to contact you.
Mediagraphia helps you organize this information and take care of the rest.
Every organization’s online presence needs are different.
Yours may be:
- a dynamic site that constantly changes its information
- an online brochure that shows your products
- a multi-layered catalog
- a way to communicate within the members of your organization
- a calendar
- a published searchable dynamic database
- a store or a complete E-commerce solution
At Mediagraphia we:
Listen • Analyze • Design • Develop • Program • Implement • Administrate